Artwork: “Bond of Union” (1956) by M. C. Escher
We don't exist as isolated subjects, we exist and constitute ourselves in relationships.
Between the Self and the Other there is always the observation and experience of events, but where would be the most appropriate perception, closest to what would be reality?
Reality is inaccessible to us, always changing and of which we always have partial views, but it is by immersing ourselves in the intersubjective dimensions of relationships that we expand and adjust the limits of our worlds.
As Wittgenstein says: "The limits of my language are the limits of my world’", we have to broaden our language, expand our field of representation in order to communicate, think and understand the lived world.
We need to be careful, attentive and seek to know the language of others (in its most varied forms - bodily, gestural, plastic, communication, etc.). After all, its use is contextual and far beyond a mere formal instrument. The word love, for example, can evoke different meanings for different people. A behaviour can be perceived in very different ways.
In an interaction, do you dialogue with the other person's language? Or do you project personal meanings onto understanding other people's attitudes and ways of being? Or how much do you abandon the truth of your own experiences and mould yourself to the language and meanings of others? It's important to think about the answer to these questions, to seek authenticity and understand the other person in their authenticity.
What you are is created in relationships, each contributing in their own way.